
From Ireland and Australia

Frozen Beef Liver

Rich in protein, low in calories, and packed with vitamins and minerals. Beef liver contains more nutrients, gram for gram, than any other food on the planet. Our beef liver comes from pasture fed cattle raised in Ireland.

Oxtail Steer

One of the most delicious cuts of meat in the world. This gelatin-rich offal cut is the perfect meat for low and slow braising. Our oxtails come from steer cattle raised in the irish countryside.

Frozen Beef Knuckle

Also known as the sirloin tip, this cut comes from the comes from the section of the cow above the hind kneecap. Very tender and not very expensive. 

Beef Kidney

Tougher than veal or lamb kidney, beef kidney makes a great stew after braising for a long time.

Boneless Beef Tripe

The edible lining from the stomach of the cow.